Procrastinator's Link of the Day™: Since I've finally run out of procrastinating time myself, I can't write lengthy commentaries these days, but my last deadline is now a day away and after that I'm sure I'll be able to write something.
In the meantime, this news article is so twisted and bizarre, from the unbelievably asinine youth group to the overly anxious mother inexplicably calling the police, that it needs no further commentary on my part. I'll simply quote one of the juicier bits:
Ms. Metz said at the Nov. 29 Young Life meeting, after her son and two other boys were selected to take part in the skit, they were taken to a rest room by an older teen and given adult diapers, bibs and bonnets and directed to take their clothes off and put the diapers, bibs and bonnets on. Her son took off his pants, but kept on boxer undershorts, his shirt, shoes and socks.
The boys returned to the group, where they were asked to sit in the laps of three girls. The girls spoon-fed baby food to the boys and then gave them baby bottles filled with soda pop. The first boy to finish was the winner.
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